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DC Chrome endeavors to provide its customers with roll preparation services of consistent high quality, which meet or exceed their needs and requirements for performance and reliability, at a competitive cost. It is recognized that involvement and commitment to continuous improvement , at all levels of this organization, is required to achieve and sustain this obligation.

Corporate Quality Objectives

    All persons in D.C. Chrome's organization share responsibility for achieving these quality objectives. The organizational objectives of D.C. Chrome are to:

  1. Conduct its business in a work place that prioritizes an ecologically sound and safe working environment. Actively involve all employees in our quality management program.

  2. Enlist the cooperation of its suppliers in providing and services of consistent high quality.

  3. Provide and maintain equipment that provides control and adequate monitoring of its processes and measurement of product.

  4. Gather, analyze and compile, in written form, manufacturing procedures necessary for the production of rolls with uniform and acceptable specifications.

  5. Provide proper training of all employees

  6. Accept no deviations from the quality management system in any part or aspect of the organization.

  7. Review and evaluate the performance of the quality management system at suitable internals.